What is improv?
It’s "the art of organising the unexpected and disorganising the expected".
I particularly like disorganising...
Description xxx

The image, an infinite source of inspiration...
My first experience with cine-concerts began at the Evere Cultural Centre with Buster Keaton's films.
Currently, and since 2013, a season of cine-concerts takes place in the Chapel of the Old Carmel in Soignies. The first season started with the legendary film by Sergei Eisenstein: "Battleship Potemkin".
After that, a whole series of films have been screened with live music accompaniment by duets, trios and even novel quartets - see posters below. We accompanied "Metropolis" with piano, ondes Martenot, electric guitars, and bass flute.
Other screenings are foreseen for the coming seasons.

Rencontres de L'impro

First Sunday of every month.
At Carmel of Soignies
open to anyone who would like to experience improvisation in the company of one or more professional musicians.
The workshop
1h30 over which the group learns to dialogue, to listen to each other, and during which everyone opens their body and mind to imagination and fantasy. We improvise on a note or a chord, on a mode or a scale, on sound effects, on rhythms, with or without the help of a "conductor".
The concert
The morning concludes with a one-hour concert in the presence of an audience that will see the reflection of the personality of the group and of each musician.
Our encounters are essentially musical but can also be open to other arts. Thus, improvised music goes very well with:
-live painting
-poetry recitals